


1. Before you come to Mass:

a) Study the reading;

b) Read the whole chapter – this will help you put the reading in context;

c) Use a resource such as Break Open the Word to help you discern what the reading means for you;

d) Practice reading aloud – if you use a resource such as Break Open the Word you will find hints on how to read the passage;

e) Practice reading aloud many times;

f) Ask someone – perhaps a member of your family – to listen to you read the passage. Ask them what the reading means to them. Is this the meaning that you are trying to convey?

2. Arrive at least 10 minutes before Mass.

3. Check with the organist whether the Responsorial Psalm or the Alleluia are being sung.

4. Before Mass, come up to the lectern and:

a) if you are the first reader, adjust the microphone to suit height;

b) if you are the second reader, check that the Prayers of the Faithful are on the lectern and read through them. Remember to check the microphone to suit height when you come up to read;

c) Check that the Lectionary is open at the correct page. If in doubt, check with the Acolyte.

Note: When handling the microphone, hold the base with one hand and gently adjust the height of the microphone with the other hand.

6. When approaching the lectern for your reading, approach from the side of the sanctuary.

7. First Reader - Do not move for the reading until the congregation has responded “Amen” at the conclusion of the Opening Prayer.

8. Do not say: “The first reading is from…” or “The second reading is from…” Simply say: “A reading from…”

9. Try to enunciate out to the congregation rather than speaking down to the lectern.

Hint: Push the lectionary up to the base of the microphone. This brings you closer to the microphone and helps improve the projection of your voice.

10. ^ Without being too theatrical, adjust the tone and pitch of your voice to reflect the subject matter of the reading.

11. ^ Slow down.

^ These points should be included as part of your preparation.

12. At the end of the reading pause, then look up and clearly proclaim: “The Word of the Lord,” in a stronger voice. Do not run “the Word of the Lord” into the text.

13. Do not say: “The Responsorial Psalm is…” or “The response is…” Just read the response. Similarly, do not say: “Please stand to greet the Gospel,” before the Gospel Acclamation.

14. After you have read the final Prayer of the Faithful, wait until the end of the celebrant’s concluding prayer before returning to your seat.

15. Go back to your seat the same way you came up i.e. walk down from the sanctuary at the side and bow to the altar.


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    Mass at Caloola Court - 11.00am

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    (Also available by appointment)